Palinode Productions
The Lost Season: What is Philosophy?
The Lost Season, presented by Palinode Productions, is our wacky and weird attempt to think and create philosophical content in the face of our troubled world. In a combination of zany sketch comedy interspersed with sincere philosophical reflections and interviews, we attempt to wrap our collective heads around the nature of philosophy in our contemporary world – not just as an academic discipline, but more importantly, a way of life. What might it mean to 'live philosophically' today? Who might we become? How would we begin? Clearly we aren't sure, but we are determined to see what we find following this life wherever it leads.
In addition, The Lost Season connects directly with and gestures toward Palinode Productions' Khora Platform. The Khora Platform is a novel and unique social media/education platform directed toward the same end: the endless pursuit of a life well lived.
Visit our website to learn about more Khora: